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Muffin Songs - Cradle Song (Brahms's ...

Cradle Song
Lullaby and good night, with roses bestride,
With lilies bedecked. `neath baby`s sweet bed.
May thou sleep, may thou rest, may thy slumber be blest.
May thou sleep, may thou rest, may thy slumber be blest.

Lullaby and good night, thy mother`s delight.
Bright angels around, my darling, shall guard.
They will guide thee from harm, thou art safe in my arms.
They will guide thee from harm, thou art safe in my arms.

(and these are the original words of brahms in german)

Guten abend, gut` nacht! mit rosen bedacht,
Mit n„glein besteckt schlpf unter die deck`!
Morgen frh, wenn got will, wirst du wieder geweckt,
Morgen frh, wenn got will, wirst du wieder geweckt,

Guten abend, gut` nacht! von englein bewacht,
Die zeigen in traum, dir christkindlein`s baum.
Schlaf` num selig und suss, schau` in traum`s paradies,
Schlaf` num selig und suss, schau` in traum`s paradies.

(without poetic embellishments, this is the direct translationof brahms)

Good evening, good night, covered with roses,
With tiny fingernails hidden, slipping under the blankets,
Tomorrow morning, if god wills, you will wake again.
Tomorrow morning, if god wills, you will wake again.

God evening, good night, watched over by tiny angels,
Who show the little christ child`s tree in dreams,
Sleep now, blessed and sweet, look at dream`s paradise.
Sleep now, blessed and sweet, look at dream`s paradise.

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