David Brent - a fictional manager in the TV series 'The Office'
We have all experienced working for a manager - or a boss. There are so many of them! In the UK there are over 5 million of them.
In this week's programme, Rob and Finn discuss what managers are for, ask if there are too many of them and wonder if some job titles make people look like a manager - when really they are not.
Listen out for words and phrases to do with being a manager and management.
This week's question:
Who was the world's highest paid football manager in 2012? Was it:
a) Sir Alex Ferguson
b) Jose Mourinho
c) Fabio Copello
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
- to boss you around
- inspirational
making you feel enthusiastic and encouraged in what you are doing
- financial rewards
- organisational skills
ability to plan and make decisions so that things go well
- people skills
ability to deal with people in a friendly and fair way that achieves good results
- hierarchy
the way people are arranged in a company according to their importance
- middle manager
person whose position is in the middle of the management structure at a company
- job title
the name that is given to your role at work
- train manager
someone who sells tickets and deals with passengers on a train
- office manager
someone who looks after the day-to-day administration and running of the office
- IT manager
someone who deals with computers and computer systems
- career ladder
a series of jobs that a person does through their working life, starting with the lowest paid jobs with least responsibility, moving job by job to increasingly senior positions